Visiting Margarites and Moni Arkadi in Rethymno, Crete

Visiting Margarites and Moni Arkadi in Rethymno, Crete

In 2020, on our way from Panormos in the north to Spili located in south, we took a route via Margarites and Moni Arkadi. Not only was the drive incredibly scenic, but the two destinations en route were very much worth stopping by- and we’d recommend the same to any...
Knossos Palace and Heraklion, Crete

Knossos Palace and Heraklion, Crete

Visiting Knossos Palace and the city of Heraklion For this particular part of our trip, we’ve put together a separate post as there is quite a lot to see and quite a few photos we’d like to share from our day trip to Knossos Palace and Heraklion. As...
A week’s trip to Crete

A week’s trip to Crete

Breathtaking beaches, remarkable ruins, delicious dishes... Crete has a lot to offer! In early May 2018, we took a week’s holiday and escaped the city of London for the idyllic Crete. To a little village called Sissi, to be precise. If you’re yet to...
A day trip to Gramvousa and Balos

A day trip to Gramvousa and Balos

During our three week holiday to Crete in 2021 (read some of our other blog posts from this trip here), inspired by stunning photos on social media, we decided to take a day trip to Gramvousa and Balos. There are two ways of getting there- either getting the boat from...
A day in Chania

A day in Chania

Having spent quite some time in Heraklion and Rethymnon on previous trips, during our 2021 trip to Crete we decided to spend a whole day in Chania to explore the city a bit more than we did on previous occasions.   Minoan ruins in Chania Chania is a beautiful city,...