by Pumpkin | Jan 17, 2021 | Travel
From Manet to Monet and Rodin to Renoit... There are over 100 museums and art galleries in Paris. We have listed below our favourite places that we would recommend to any tourist or local alike. Catering for a wide variety in tastes and interests, there is a lot on...
by Pumpkin | Jan 12, 2021 | Recipes
The homemade rolls are very easy to do, can be prepared in advance for a lunch or snack and the filling can be changed to use up what you have in the fridge. We made a batch of these rolls using some frozen butternut squash chunks, brocolli and cavalo nero- but...
by Pumpkin | Dec 27, 2020 | Recipes
This Christmas, we put together a seafood feast at home- ranging from blini with roe to scallops and mussels. We chose some dishes which didn’t need any cooking- just preparation- for the starter- and then a few dishes that required a bit of cooking for the...
by Pumpkin | Dec 12, 2020 | Travel
Colleges, Bridges and Punting... Over the August Bank Holiday weekend in 2018, Wally and I decided to escape London for a few days and visit Cambridge. It is located around 60 miles north of London, and takes as little as 50 minutes by train from London Kings Cross....
by Pumpkin | Nov 18, 2020 | Travel
Skyscrappers and one more museum... Day Four For our last day in New York, we had a more relaxing morning. We managed to find a pub in the financial district where we could leave our luggage, grab a quick bite, and then spent some time walking around the 9/11...