About Us


Hi all! Thank you for checking our our blog- and welcome!

To introduce ourselves- we are just a couple that very much enjoy food (both
eating and cooking!) and enjoy travelling… We live and work in London and relish the chance to try out new restaurants, go to a street food market or go somewhere further affield to satisfy our tastebuds.

This blog aims to share our experience as we explore different cuisines, cultures, histories-
sometimes whilst exploring incredible locations, but also from the comfort of our kitchen. We will provide snipets of our trips, share what we enjoyed, the places we visited and most
importantly- what we ate and how you can recreate some of these dishes back home. Trust us- it’s not as hard as it looks!

For the last 3 months, like much of the world, we have been in lockdown. During this time we were meant to have gone on a three week holiday to Thailand, followed by Bali, and were gutted when this had to be cancelled. We were very much looking forward to this trip, primarily
just having the chance to relax on scenic beaches, but also to try out some of the amazing food Thailand is well known for… And hence we decided that whilst we couldn’t physically go to Thailand, we could very well try out some of the dishes whilst at home… if anything we have been able to spend a bit more time researching the cuisine and cannot wait for the actual trip itself in the (hopefully) not too distant future! 

We’ve managed to get through the last few months whilst in lockdown by trying out lots of new dishes, new cuisines, and developing a slight obsession for Gochujang (Korean chili paste)…We’ll post some of these dishes on here shortly, as well as interesting things we’ve learnt along the way, and our favourite cookbooks.

In the meantime- subscribe, follow us on social media and we’ll be sure to share our favourite dishes and destinations with you!

 London, June 2020

Selfie of Wally and Pumpkin in Marrakech January 2020


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